My ex-girlfriend is:
a) Pregnant (on the second try!)
b) One of my BFFs
c) Married to a boy
d) Totally in the closet about her homo past (we'll just call our time together her rumspringa year...except she's not amish)
e) Having a baby shower next month
f) All of the above
My RSVP to the baby shower will likely be:
a) Sorry, I'm traveling for work that weekend (totally plausible since I do that all the time)
b) Sorry, I have leprosy (not plausible at all, but who wants to take chances with a pregnant lady, right?)
c) Sure, I'll suck it up. If I start crying, that's what they have bathrooms for
d) Wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll be a big girl and leave my jealousy at the door
Feel free to leave your answers in the comment section....
Happy New Year!
2 months ago