After much ulcer inducing anxiety, the home study was a complete and utter bore. Ditzypants was 15 minutes late and stayed *maybe* at total of 15 minutes at our house. The highlights?
-How would you describe your decorating style? (lesbian chic?)
-How would you describe your landscape style? (that which requires minimal effort?)
-What churches are in your neighborhood? (apparently I looked flustered after this question [which was really just me trying not to say, how the f would I know, lapsed jews tend not to keep track of the christians in the neighborhood] she went on to explain it was a state law [STATE LAW!] that they include local churches in the home study even if you do not plan on attending them [honey, if you're reading this - WE HAVE TO MOVE])
And that was it.
She asked if we had smoke alarms and fire extinguishers, but did not go looking for them or try to test them (after I spent hours [HOURS!] obsessing over their batteries and functionality and placement)
She said our house looked nice.
And that she'd be in touch in about 2 weeks.
And then she was gone.
Moral of the story: If you're up for a home study...don't sweat it. But maybe read a few decorating magazines because they're totally going to want to know if you're more of a modern minimalist or French traditionalist.
In case you were wondering...we're an on-sale-at-Pier1-bargainist.
You can read Part I here.
Happy New Year!
2 months ago