Let me tell you about how crazy I am:
Over the 9.5 months it took us to prepare our paperwork, we had to meet with the agency several times. And while we learned quite a bit about many topics, one of the items that we were often warned about was scammers. We were told about financial scams and emotional scams and how to look for red flags. We were told to be cautious. We were told to contact our counselor if we received any suspicious emails. And today, on the one month anniversary of our profile going live, I am a little disappointed that we haven't even been contacted by a scammer!
In other news, I am still quite gimpy and while I can walk to town for an ice cream (4 miles round trip) running still causes my calf to spasm. Maybe next week?
Miles run this week: 0
Miles run since our profile went live: 14.65
Happy New Year!
2 months ago
Ugh. I'm sorry that you're still having problems with your leg, and that not even scammers are bugging you. I have faith that your perfect baby is out there--I just hate that you have to wait so long to meet each other!