Sunday, September 8, 2013


Pregnant until proven otherwise...with triplets! Of our 8 fertilized eggs, we had 4 arrest by day 3. Of the 4 remaining fighters, we had 1 8-cell grade 2 (the little guy in the upper left), 2 more fragmented embryos (no grade given), and one slow grower (no further details given). The embryologist and RE recommended we put the 3 "best looking" embies back. #4 is growing in the lab and if he makes it, will be frozen on day 5. We were both so nervous that we don't remember much else that the embryologist said. She's supposed to call on Monday with news on #4 (our little insurance policy). I hope to ask her some questions then. I supposed the details don't technically matter (these embies are goring to grow and stick or not, despite their percent fragmentation or overall grade). But I want to know.

It's weird to get this far. The most pregnant I've ever been. I feel pretty good. My ovaries are a little sore and my ass is killing me from the progesterone, but nothing compared to the yuck of all the pills and stims of the last 3-4 months. I feel almost normal. I haven't felt almost normal since that myomectomy back in November 2012. I feel *happy*. I'm a little obsessed with every twinge and back ache. I know nothing is going on in there yet. But I think about those little embies constantly. Please let one of them grow and stick and be our take home baby.


  1. fingers and toes crossed and many sticky thoughts!

  2. Aww yay! I'm hoping you get 3 take home babies!!!! Fingers crossed for you :)

  3. Fantastic news, I can't wait to hear more!

  4. Wishing you the best of luck and sending lots of positive vibes!

  5. Beautiful babes-to-be, I hope! Sending many good vibes.

  6. They're so cute! Settle in, fellas!
